2024. The lightness of unbearable being

Interactive installation Bags in Box wine bags 3-5 l. capacity, 12000 pieces Fan

The name of the installation came from a somewhat ironic interpretation of the title of Milan Kundera’s novel “The unbearable lightness of being“. It is like an attempt to reflect on the given time and the causality dictated by it, a visual expression of the nowadays motto – “easily, quick and a lot“. It would not be a mistake to envision a metaphor for the way to deal with constantly changing, accumulating daily problems (or attempts to avoid them). We all have difficult experiences. Each of us tried to solve it in our own way – more or less successfully or not necessarily. However, we also recognize something else: what once seemed unbearable, beyond endurance, beyond our strength, in the end turned out to be less hopelessly painful when we managed to look at the situation from a different angle or find new, unexpected solutions. Maybe that’s all you need – to touch, dive, recognize and free yourself from everything that prevents you from enjoying the natural, fundamental gift of lightness.