2017 / Saulius Vaitiekūnas
Field stone, silver.
Petroglyphs (petro-, from πέτρα petra meaning “stone” and γλύφω glýphō meaning “to carve” are pictographic or logogram pictures engraved on stones or rocks, which are found all over the world. They are related to prehistoric cultures and are one of the oldest and best-preserved archaeological finds.
Petroglyphs often depict silhouettes of various animals, people, celestial bodies, geometrical shapes. Although the precise purpose of these petroglyphs is not clear – hypotheses has been raised that they could be elements of ritual practices and everyday communication, peculiar maps, also influenced the determination of migration tracks, hunting areas, astrological phenomena. People in XXI century “carve” their daily stories, news and impressions to the virtual “walls” of social and other nowadays media. Most important news is carved in the public and easily
reachable spaces, instead of a dark cave.
“Baltic chronicles” – is coming back to “safe and sustainable” news – stone wall of the media… It is an attempt to send SMS to future generations about nowadays experiences, choices, and challenges. Today, when public spaces are filled with propaganda, news simulation artefacts, cyber-attacks, news becomes mildly questionable and unreliable. By coming back to “trusted” mean of communication by petroglyphs we not only become news storytellers, we also become mediators between yesterday, today and tomorrow.
“Baltic chronicles” also reflect mission of Saint Bruno, sea wanders of Wikings and newest stories of our own shore: Baltic way, emigration, victories and loses. It is also a way to leave a trace that we truly existed.
2019 VDA expositional space “Titanikas”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2018 Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania
2017 Art gallery “terra recognita”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2017 international contemprorary art fair “Art Vilnius”, Vilnius, Lithuania