2005 / Saulius Vaitiekūnas
Original telephone cabin, field stones (2.5 tones)
Installation from triptych “message”
First time introduced in Lithuanian gallery “vartai”, “ŠMC” in Vilnius and “Art park” in Kaunas in 2005 “message II” made by Saulius Vaitiekūnas was exhibited in London, Lithuanian contemporary art fair “Balticalia Lithuania 2006”. The latest, Duch version of “message II” – 2,5 tons of basalt bars, which for a long time were associated with tough, safe material, that kept safe all of the Danish shores – suddenly becomes a heavy, dangerous message, which is impossible not to notice for one of the safest and most peaceful places in EU…
2014 Die Kompanie, Dortrecht, Holland
2009 gallery “terra recognita”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2006 gallery “plus one gallery”, London, UK
2005 gallery “meno parkas”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2005 gallery “vartai”, Vilnius, Lithuania